Thursday, December 20, 2018

22 Years of Sacred Priesthood

Tomorrow, 21st December, the Feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle, is the Twenty-Second Anniversary of my Ordination to the Sacred Order of Priests in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Ordination took place in the Anglican Catholic Church (ACC) Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic States; the ordaining Bishop was the Most Reverend John Thayer Cahoon, Junior, Bishop Ordinary. The Mass of Priestly Ordination was celebrated at Saint Paul's Church, Lexington, Virginia, where I served my title as Curate.
Today's grey and bearded bishop has aged a little since the photo was taken that day of a 25 year old neo-presbyter.
Please pray for me and God bless you!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Christmastide at Saint Barnabas Dunwoody

Remember to keep Christ in Christmas - and Mass in Christmas!

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 2018:
Monday, December 24:
7:00 p.m. Family Holy Communion
11:00 p.m. Solemn High Eucharist
Tuesday, December 25:
10:00 a.m. Solemn High Eucharist
Please come worship with us! For a full schedule of upcoming services in Christmastide, please see our Kalendar.

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed Teaching Mission

SAINT BARNABAS DUNWOODY: This weekend we are privileged and delighted to welcome Bishop Kenneth Myers to Saint Barnabas Church for a teaching mission and workshop on the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed. Everyone is invited to join us for this splendid occasion!
Friday, December 7:
7:00 PM - Evening Prayer
7:30 PM - Teaching Session
9:00 PM - End of Friday Session
Saturday, December 8:
9:00 AM - Morning Prayer followed by Teaching Session
11:30 AM - Break
12:00 PM - Solemn High Mass of the Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
1:00 PM - Lunch
2:00 PM - Afternoon Teaching Session
4:00 PM - Evening Prayer

Diocese of the Eastern United States Synod 2025

The Diocese of the Eastern United States Synod will be hosted by Saint George the Martyr Church, Simpsonville, South Carolina. The dates are...