Sunday, March 30, 2008

Orthodox Renunciation of Errors

Another liturgical tradition from the Orthodox Church for one's contemplation, a section of THE OFFICE FOR THE RECEPTION OF CONVERTS: What is most remarkable and thought-provoking about the following interrogations for converts to the Orthodox Church is that no provision is made for the renunciation of errors perceived in the Anglican Church. There is no special section in which converts from Anglicanism are obliged to renounce formerly held doctrines or beliefs. The absence of such a requirement is most telling as concerns that actual state of affairs historically maintained between the Anglican and Orthodox Churches. Former Roman Catholics, Oriental Orthodox and classical protestants, in particular, Lutherans and Calvinists, are all required to disavow specific errors condemned by Orthodoxy and held to be professed by the religious traditions identified. Anglicanism is exempted from the list of those ecclesial bodies which are said to be in error. Again, how close indeed traditional Anglicanism is to Orthodoxy.

Bishop. Wilt thou renounce the errors and false doctrines of the Roman-Latin (or Armenian, or Lutheran, or Reformed) Confession?

And he shall reply: I will.

After the Prayer, the Bishop (or Priest) shall say to the convert:
Wherefore renounce now, with all thy heart, thine errors, and false doc­trines, and mistakes of judgment, and confess the Orthodox Catholic Faith.

And the Bishop questioneth the convert from the Roman-Latin Confession.

Dost thou renounce the false doctrine that, for the expression of the dogma touching the Procession of the Holy Spirit, the declara­tion of our Saviour Christ himself: "who proceedeth from the Father": doth not suffice; and that the addition, of man's inven­tion: "and from the Son": is required?

Answer. I do.

Dost thou renounce the erroneous belief that it doth not suffice to confess our Lord Jesus Christ as the head of the Universal Church; and that a man, to wit, the Bishop of Rome, can be the head of Christ's Body, that is to say, of the whole Church?

Answer. I do.

Bishop. Dost thou renounce the erroneous belief that the holy Apostles did not receive from our Lord equal spiritual power, but that the holy Apostle Peter was their Prince: And that the Bishop of Rome alone is his successor: And that the Bishops of Alexandria, Antioch and others are not, equally with the Bishop of Rome, successors of the Apostles?

Answer. I do.

Bishop. Dost thou renounce the erroneous belief of those who think that the Pope of Rome is superior to the Ecumenical Councils, and infallible in faith, notwithstanding the fact that several of the Popes have been heretics, and condemned as such by the Councils?

Answer. I do.

Bishop. Dost thou renounce all the other doctrines of the West­ern Confession, both old and new, which are contrary to the Word of God, and to the true tradition of the Church, and to the decrees of the Seven Ecumenical Councils?

Answer. I do.

The convert from the Armenian Confession is questioned as follows by the Bishop:

Dost thou renounce the erroneous belief that in our Lord Jesus Christ there are not two natures, Divine and human, but one only; the human nature being swallowed up by the Divine?

Answer. I do.

The Bishop questioneth the convert from the Lutheran Confession thus:

Dost thou renounce the false doctrine that, for the expression of the dogma touching the Procession of the Holy Ghost the declaration of our Saviour Christ himself: "who proceedeth from the Father": doth not suffice; and that the addition, of man's invention: "and from the Son": is required?

Answer. I do.

Bishop. Dost thou renounce the erroneous belief that in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist the bread is not transmuted into the Body of Christ, and doth not become the Body of Christ; and that the wine is not transmuted into the Blood of Christ, and doth not become the Blood of Christ; but that the presence of Christ's Body only for a short time doth touch the bread, which remaineth simple bread ?

Answer. I do.

Bishop. Dost thou renounce the erroneous belief of the teachers who do not accept as Sacraments Chrismation, Marriage, Anoint­ing with Oil, and the Priesthood itself, which administereth the other Sacraments, and presume to administer Baptism and the Euchar­ist, never having received, through the laying-on of hands by a Bishop, that Ordination which hath been transmitted from one to another, even from the holy Apostles?

Answer. I do.

Bishop. Dost thou renounce the erroneous belief of the teachers who receive not the traditions of the Holy Church, reverence not the Saints, and deprive the dead of spiritual aid and the living of spiritual consolation, in that they reject prayers for the dead?

Answer. I do.

The Bishop questioneth the convert from the Reformed Confession after this wise:

Dost thou renounce the false doctrine that, for the expression of the dogma touching the Procession of the Holy Spirit, the declara­tion of our Saviour Christ himself: "who proceedeth from the Father": doth not suffice; and that the addition, of man's invention: "and from the Son": is required?

Answer. I do.

Bishop. Dost thou renounce the false doctrine, that the predesti­nation of men to their salvation, or their rejection, is not in accord­ance with the Divine foreknowledge of the faith and good works of the former, or of the unbelief and evil deeds of the latter; but in accordance with some arbitrary destiny, by reason of which faith and virtue are robbed of their merit, and God is held accountable for the perdition of sinners?

Answer. I do.

Bishop. Dost thou renounce the erroneous belief that in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist the bread and wine are not trans­muted into the Body and Blood of Christ, and are merely emblems of the Body and Blood of Christ?

Answer. I do.

Bishop. Dost thou renounce the erroneous belief of the Reformed teachers, who reject five Sacraments: Chrismation, Confession, Mar­riage, Anointing with Oil, and the Priesthood itself, which admin­istereth the other Sacraments, and presume to administer Baptism and the Eucharist, never having received, through the laying-on of hands by a Bishop, that Ordination which hath been transmitted from one to another, even from the holy Apostles?

Answer. I do.

Bishop. Dost thou renounce the erroneous belief of the Reformed teachers who receive not the traditions of the Holy Church, rever­ence not the Saints, and deprive the dead of spiritual aid, and the living of consolation, in that they reject prayers for the dead?

Answer. I do.

And after these special questions, appointed for the converts from different Confes­sions, the Bishop shall proceed with the catechizing which is common to all, and shall ask:

Bishop. Hast thou renounced all ancient and modern heresies and false doctrines which are contrary to the teachings of the Holy Orthodox Catholic Eastern Church?

Answer. I have.


Jim said...

Fr. Chad,
Do you know why Anglicans are not required to renounce the addition of the filioque to the Creed, as Roman Catholics, Lutherans, and those of the Reformed Confession are? Although I understand that some or many Anglicans reject the filioque in principal, it has remained in the liturgy since the 1549 BCP.

Anonymous said...

With only a few notable exceptions, Anglicans Divines have consistently opined that Anglican retention of the filioque is NOT intended or meant as adoption of the Roman-Latin doctrine of double-procession of eternal origin (or genesis). Perhaps, this consistent Anglican gloss on the filioque persuaded the Orthodoxy not to press a hardline.

The Most Reverend Chandler Holder Jones, SSC said...

To my knowledge, Anglicans who convert to Orthodoxy are only required to renounce the filioque clause: no other previously-held dogmatic beliefs are required to be eschewed, except for those evangelicals whose rejection the Priesthood and Eucharistic Sacrifice and Presence would have to be renounced.

God bless you!

Ambrose Mooney said...

In those days the Orthodox did not bump up against Anglicans very often but Roman Catholics and Armenians and Lutherans were fairly common in Orthodox countries.

Presiding Bishop's Epistle IX

The newest Presiding Bishop's Epistle for the Anglican Province of America.