Friday, September 26, 2008

Anglicans at Lourdes

Archbishop Rowan Williams at Lourdes; I prefer to interpret the Lourdes apparition as did Metropolitan Kallistos Ware of Orthodox fame. He has stated that at Lourdes Our Lady actually said, 'I am the one in whom the Immaculate is conceived,' that is, Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Que soy era Immaculada Councepciou.


Anonymous said...

For the Orthodox, we are all conceived free of original guilt (which singularly belongs to Adam and Eve). So calling Mary's conception immaculate is redundant. Rather, the Orthodox remark on the truly more profound aspect of Mary's life, her stainlessness after conception!

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that we should let the catholics explain the Lourdes apparitions. We may say that eventhough they may directed to the world they are clearly subjected to the context of catholicism. We may fall in error trying to understand it away from this context and history. In their context the apparitions of Lourdes go hand in hand with those of 'rue du bac' during which the immaculate medal (also known as the miraculous medal) was given. One important mark of the medal is the prayer that goes with it "O Mary conceived without sin prayer for us who have recourse in you". I know it's troubling, but let's not try to smooth the message to fit our views. It is a message a think that challenges us all in one way or the other even catholics (specially those of that time)

Presiding Bishop's Epistle IX

The newest Presiding Bishop's Epistle for the Anglican Province of America.