Friday, January 02, 2009

The Anglican Church in North America and Women's Ordination

A stunning presentation from Dr Ann Paton, Liturgical Assistant of the Church of the Ascension, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in which she admonishes the new jurisdiction to which she belongs, styled the Anglican Church in North America, to authorise the consecration of women to the episcopate. In the sermon Archbishop Robert Duncan, inaccurately, is extolled as the sole defender and supporter of women's ordination in the ACNA.

Currently the provisional canons and constitution of the ACNA permit those constituent dioceses and jurisdictions which have practised women's ordination before the creation of the ACNA to continue to ordain purportedly women priests and deacons after joining the new church. The same documents currently prohibit the election and consecration of a woman bishop.

Surely the sermon, which an orthodox catholic must deem heretical, speaks for itself... as the preacher asserts that women's purported ordination is the 'whole Gospel.'


Rev. Dr. Hassert said...

As a priest of the Reformed Episcopal Church and a member of FiFNA, this sort of thing is what I was afraid of.

Kevin said...

Maybe the ACNA will be back to "square-one" sooner than we expected.

Email Address In Profile said...

My concern is not so much that folk such as Dr. Paton believe that women should be priests and bishops, but rather if she believes in male priesthood either. In other words, if the priesthood is merely a ministerial functioning, then there is little to be concerned about as to whether a man or a woman is ordained. For that matter, a lay president can do just as well.

Matthew the Curmudgeon said...

So typically Anglican. First, split, then embrace heresy-what a church!

Anonymous said...

One must ask, what is the point of being yoked anew with such heresy?

mrdon said...

How is women's ordination a heresy? A break from Catholic order maybe but how does it equate with Arianism, Marcionism, etc...A heresy in my understanding is the half truth posing as the whole truth and deals primarily with theology not practice. Taking this further, are you implying that women's ordination arises out of a wrong belief about who God in Christ is?

Mark said...

"Taking this further, are you implying that women's ordination arises out of a wrong belief about who God in Christ is?"

If the former blogger will not assert this, at least I will!

mrdon said...

OK then, so your opinion is that women's ordination does arise out of a wrong belief about who God in Christ is. How so?

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