Friday, June 19, 2009

The Year for Priests

Today begins The Year for Priests in the Roman Communion.

Let us pray for all Priests of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, Anglican, Eastern and Latin, for all aspirants, postulants and seminarians, and for an increase of holy vocations to the Sacred Priesthood.

Let us also pray for the work of the Board of Examining Chaplains and Vocations Directory ministry of the Diocese of the Eastern United States, and for the work of the Additional Curates Society and God Calling Vocations UK.

Almighty God, give us priests:
to establish the honour of thy holy name;
to offer the holy sacrifice of the altar;
to give us Jesus in the holy sacrament;
to proclaim the faith of Jesus;
to baptise and to teach the young;
to tend thy sheep;
to seek the lost;
to give pardon to the penitent sinner
to bless our homes;
to pray for the afflicted;
to comfort mourners;
to strengthen us in our last hour;
to commend our souls;

Almighty God, give us priests!

Our Lady, Mother of priests and Queen of the clergy, pray for us!

Saint John Vianney, pray for us!

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Presiding Bishop's Epistle IX

The newest Presiding Bishop's Epistle for the Anglican Province of America.