Friday, September 04, 2009

All Saints' Sisters Swim The Tiber

The modern table situated in the All Saints Chapel and used for the Eucharist of reception into the Roman Communion on 3 September.

For information please visit here, here, and for an insightful commentary, visit here.


Jay Scott Newman said...

Two points to ponder:

1. Pace the Baltimore Sun, it is not unprecedented for a community of Anglican religious to be received as a group into full communion with the Catholic Church. It happened in 1909 in New York with the Friars and Sisters of the Society of the Atonement, and it happened again in 1913 at Caldey Island, Wales with the Anglican Benedictines led by Abbot Aelred Carlyle.

2. The Cranmer table is ridiculous, and placing it there was clearly a mistake. But the Benedictine reform of the reform will sort out the details of ritual, and the most important thing is that the Sisters are now in full communion with a bishop who believes and teaches the entire Gospel to be true. And through him they are in full communion with the all the bishops of the world who are in full communion with the Bishop of Rome. Better that than communion with the Archdruid of Canterbury through the apostate Schori, surrounded by gnostic priestesses and deviant hierarchs with their boyfriends in tow. All things considered, I’d say the good Sisters traded up.

Br. Dominic-Michael said...

What a grotesque sight. Packing crates in the chancel. I often remind myself why I remain Anglo Catholic, and it is just these sorts of things that confirm me in this. I really wonder if women - whatever their state of life - have any deeply held convictions or "spine" regarding religion.

I appreciate the fact that some compromise is necessary, but this appears not to be compromise, but capitulation to all that is wrong with Vatican II Roman Catholicism.

Really, Newman had an easier time of it as the Roman Church of his day appears far more palatable aesthetically than the syrupy gobbledygook they pride themselves on today.
If I were to abandon Anglican Tradition entirely for Rome, it would be in the SSPX.

Deacon Down Under said...

What Fr. Jay fails to note is that the American Roman Church is hell-bent on liberal modernism just like the Episocpal Church.

Nuns failing to wear habits aching to be ordained, sloppy modernist liturgics by priests who can't even follow rubrics or clean a paten, and a complete failure to find out why the Church was/is so infested with pedophile priests and brothers. The big question will be whether Benedict can make menaingful inroads into liberalism and end the rot.

It saddens me that the Sisters could not see meaning in finding a spiritual home with Anglican orthodoxy in the Anglican Catholic Church, which like other continuing jurisdictions continues to give witness to the validity of Anglican Christendom's place within the Catholic and Apostolic Church.

That the Baltimore Archbishop could not respect the eastward position as celebrated at every mass since the convent opened is tenstimony to the liberal Vatican II gone wild perspective of the American bishops.

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