Thursday, June 10, 2010

Election to the Sacred Episcopate of Christ's One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church

With praise to Almighty God and thanks to His people in the Holy Catholic Church in the Diocese of the Eastern United States of the Anglican Province of America, and depending entirely upon the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, I am humbled and overwhelmed to announce my election to the Sacred Order of Bishops, to serve as Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese. Of your Christian charity, I beg your prayers for my family and me. Lord, have mercy. God bless you all!

May Jesus Christ be praised - and may all be to His glory and honour.


J. Gordon Anderson said...

Congratulations on your election, bishop-elect!

Dr. John Dieter said...

Bishop Jones!
Let me be the first to congratulate you on your blog. Without being sanguine, I must admit that I knew you would be elected when I saw you had been nominate on the DEUS website. Nonetheless, this is a most extraordinary achievement for such a very young man… but it could not be more deserved. All can rest assured knowing that the rich Anglo-Catholic tradition is secure in the APA with your election as a new Apostle. St. Barnabas Cathedral has a very nice ring…
All our love to you, Megan and the kids from deep in Bavaria!

Anonymous said...

Almighty and everlasting God, from whom cometh every good and perfect gift; Send down upon Fr. Chad and upon the Congregations committed to his charge, the healthful Spirit of Thy Grace; and that he may truly please Thee, pour upon him the continual dew of Thy Blessing. Grant this O Lord, both now and ever, until the ages of ages. Amen

Ian Percival said...

Congratulations on your election Bishop Jones - a truly blessed event.

Fr. David F. Coady said...

I must say "ditto" to Guy except I can say the Anglo-Catholic traditions is alive and well in our diocese. May God Bless your ministry.

Anonymous said...

I am happy for you my friend and can see nothing but positives coming from this for those under your care. May the Lord strengthen you and your family.

Gratia et pax,


Tim Browne said...

Congratulations Chad!

Knowing you like I do I have no doubt that you will serve God as a Bishop just as well as you have as a Priest.

God blessings be upon you and may you safeguard the True Faith with all your heart, all your soul and all your strength.

Matthew M said...

MANY YEARS! Bishop Elect Chad - now there's a proper name for a bishop. I still don't understand why you 'westerners' address your clergy by last names, it is so
'stuffy" and unwelcoming!
If you take anything from the eastern churches please take our tradition of addressing clergy by their Christian Names.

Presiding Bishop's Epistle IX

The newest Presiding Bishop's Epistle for the Anglican Province of America.