Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Episcopal Consecration

My dear friends,

Of your Christian charity, pray for my family and me as we prepare for my Consecration to the Sacred Episcopate this Ember Saturday, 18th September 2010, at 11am at Saint Alban's Anglican Cathedral in Oviedo, Florida. Upon consecration, I shall be privileged and honoured to serve as the new Bishop Suffragan for the Diocese of the Eastern United States of the Anglican Province of America.

Thank you so very much indeed for your prayers and intentions for us, and please remember us in the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and in your Offices and personal prayers.

Our Blessed Lady of Walsingham, pray for us!
Saint Chad of Lichfield, pray for us!

May Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls, bless you all!


Matthew M said...


May this Consecration be a Blessing to your Church and Family.

Dr. John Dieter said...

A new Apostle is amongst us!

Praise to the Triune God!

Fr.Jas.A.Chantler said...

Dear Bishop
Congratulations.May GOD bless you and guide you in all that you do to glorify His holy Name.

Presiding Bishop's Epistle IX

The newest Presiding Bishop's Epistle for the Anglican Province of America.