Friday, September 24, 2010

In Omnibus Caritas

Saint Augustine of Hippo's axiom of the Christian life is particularly pertinent at this moment: in omnibus caritas, in all things charity. In light of recent events within the Anglican Church in America (ACA) currently receiving attention in the blogosphere, I should encourage every Christian of good will, regardless of ecclesiastical affiliation or theological persuasion, to exercise restraint, courtesy and custody of speech. Frustration on the part of certain Anglican Papalists at the intra-ecclesial crises in which they are now involved has led to the issuance of statements which I believe fail the test of charity. Let us be Christians first and respect one another, being especially mindful to respect one another in the face of substantial differences of belief or polity. When we disagree with one another, we should be more determined than ever to maintain a spirit of Christian charity and brotherhood.

I take grave exception to the characterisation on one blog of the Anglican Province of America (APA) as 'latitudinarian' and 'protestant' and of the Continuing Churches as 'sects.' Such language is deliberately inflammatory and achieves absolutely nothing, save needlessly to raise ire and provoke anger and discord. The Anglican Province of America is an orthodox Church, and faithfully preserves and proclaims the Anglican Tradition of the Catholic Faith. Any other characterisation is simply unfair and unjust. And the phrase 'No Way APA' is certainly no more charitable.

Electronically lashing out in exasperation at a body of fellow Christians not directly connected to one's own ecclesial difficulties and conflicts does nothing whatever to promote the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ. And so I beg all Anglicans of every position to remember and embody that Gospel: in omnibus caritas.

God bless you!

UPDATE: I now see the APA is referred to on a blog as a jurisdiction having 'a decidedly protestant bent.' My request for fairness has gone unheeded, but such is nature of blogging, it seems.

1 comment:

Fr.Jas.A.Chantler said...

Dear Bishop
I hope your posting is read and embraced by all who say they are committed to the reunion of traditional Anglicans.

'Above all things have fervent charity among yourselves for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.'

Presiding Bishop's Epistle IX

The newest Presiding Bishop's Epistle for the Anglican Province of America.