Saturday, March 03, 2012

Anglican Province of America Lenten Appeal Update

Dear Family in Christ,

I just wanted to give you all a quick update and remind you about the ongoing Lenten Appeal. I have heard so many good things from several parishes and wanted to thank you all for getting the word out and for encouraging all your members to participate. A number of churches have decided to send the proceeds from their Shrove Tuesday events to the Lenten Appeal. This is wonderful news!! Also, please encourage your church treasurers to forward any monies they have to our APA treasurer, D.J. Fulton. Please continue to pray for this province-wide effort.

Also, here is some news from our OM [Operation Mobilization] contact Henry Couser which I think you will all find very encouraging. He writes:

"I pray that all is well and that God continues to move in a powerful way in and through you. I wanted to follow up on the poultry project for Fr Mews. I realize there are many, many needs but I have a team interested in coming to Cap Haitien in July. Provided we can secure funding, they have agreed to come along side him and help to construct his first 10'x40' broiler house. They have also expressed interest in helping him with outreach into the community and possible Vacation Bible School."

This is truly an answer to prayer! We continue to covet your prayers for this venture, not only that we will be able to raise the funds we need to purchase the land but also that we might complete the transaction without long delays and complications.

Please continue to let me know about any exciting events that are occurring in your parishes with regard to the Lenten Appeal that I might share them with the rest of the churches. God bless you all for taking up this endeavor so enthusiastically. Please also continue to pray for all our foreign churches and global partners.

Remembering that in all things, He is able. I remain faithfully yours,

Fr. David Haines
Vicar General for Global Partnerships, APA

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We are intensely excited to announce the launch of the official Anglican Province of America online store! The website features merchandise ...