Saturday, March 31, 2012

APA 2012 Lenten Appeal Update

Dear Family in Christ,

I just wanted to let you all know about the ongoing progress with regard to the Lenten Appeal. While we don’t have any actual dollar amounts to report, I have heard of many parish-wide efforts to raise money to support the appeal. Several vestries are pledging amounts and some are even pledging matching funds for the amounts raised by their parishioners. Also several groups, Sunday school classes, Ladies Guilds, Youth Groups, and others have raised money towards our goal. Thank you all for your efforts and for getting the word out and for encouraging all your members to participate. We have also received some pledges via PayPal on the internet. This is all great news for which we give praise to Almighty God!

As we enter this most holy period of Lent please remind everyone about our Lenten Appeal one last time. Often people intend to contribute towards the cause and then as more pressing things occur they forget about their intended participation. While we have asked for $40 per person from all of our churches, any amount more or less will be most welcome. Please encourage those who can not manage the $40 to give whatever they can afford. Any amount, however small, will help in these efforts. Recall the story of Jesus at the treasury of the temple as he watched people place their money in the offering-box and he pointed out the poor widow who put in two mites. Jesus remarks to His disciples: “Verily I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: for all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.” (Mark 12:43-44). This is all part of our Lenten discipline and requires each of us personally to make a sacrificial gift, however small. Just because the vestry of our parish plans to make a contribution, does not take away our personal obligation.

The target amount is large, and we remain a small church body by most worldly standards, but we know that this effort is for the glory of God and his kingdom. Please continue to pray for these efforts, not only that we will be able to raise the funds we need to purchase the land, but also that we might complete the transaction without long delays and complications.

Once the monies in your parish are all collected please have your parish treasurers forward the money to the provincial treasurer, Mr. D. J. Fulton,  as soon as possible, so we can determine if we were able to reach our $40,000 goal. Of course, any money that comes in late can be forwarded at any time. 

God bless you all for taking up this endeavor so enthusiastically. Please also continue to pray for all our foreign churches and global partners.

Remembering that in all things, He is able. I remain faithfully yours,

Fr. David Haines
Vicar General for Global Partnerships, APA  

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Presiding Bishop's Epistle IX

The newest Presiding Bishop's Epistle for the Anglican Province of America.