Wednesday, August 07, 2013

The Blessed Virgin Mary on 15th August

In the month of August, traditional Christians venerate the holy memory of the one called by God to be His human Mother in the Incarnation, the one by whose faith became the image and prototype of the Church, the humble Handmaid of the Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mary ‘heard the Word of God and kept it’… in her womb and in her mind. By faith and the Holy Ghost, she conceived the Word of God through her ear and in her heart even before she conceived Him in her body. We rightly emphasise the virginal motherhood of Mary, because it was from her that the Second Person of the Holy Trinity assumed human nature and was made Man for our salvation; but we should never fail to remember that Mary became the Mother of God, the New Eve and the Throne and Temple of the Incarnate Lord because she first believed in her Son, Jesus Christ. And by believing in virginal purity, she forever personifies, exemplifies and signifies that Church which is comprised of all those who believe and are baptised into the Eternal Son of God.

The greatest theologian and Church Father of Western Christendom is undoubtedly Saint Augustine of Hippo, the 4th century bishop, teacher, scholar and pastor. Let us with eager eyes and souls observe what he has to say about the Woman, the Mother of all the living, who was the first to hear and receive the Gospel - from the Archangel, and was the first to believe in Jesus Christ, setting the pattern and model for all Christian discipleship throughout the ages:

‘How could Jesus Christ cease being God, when He began to be Man, who granted to His Mother that she did not cease to be a Virgin when she gave birth? The Virgin Mother brought forth Him by whom she herself was created, through her fertile womb and her intact childbirth: thus it befitted God to be born…

More blessed is Mary through perceiving the faith of Christ than through conceiving His flesh. The maternal relationship would have been of no profit to Mary, if she had not more happily borne Christ in her heart than in her womb, for Him whom Mary had brought forth by believing, she also had conceived by believing. Should the Virgin Mary not have done the will of the Father, she who by faith believed, by faith conceived, who was the chosen one from whom our salvation should be born among men, who was created by Christ before Christ was created in her? Indeed, the holy Mary obviously did the will of the Father: and therefore it is greater for Mary to have been Christ’s disciple than to have been His Mother. The truth of Christ is in the mind of Mary, the flesh of Christ in her womb; greater is what she bears in her mind than what she bears in her womb…

Holy is Mary, blessed is Mary, yet better is the Church than the Virgin Mary. Why? Because Mary is a part of the Church, a holy member, an excellent member a super-eminent member – yet but a member of the whole Body. If of the whole body, surely more is the body than the member. The Head is the Lord, and the whole Christ is both head and body. Consider how the Church is obviously the bride of Christ; and, what is more difficult to understand, yet true, how the Church is the mother of Christ. As her type has the Virgin Mary preceded her. Whence, I ask you, is Mary the Mother of Christ, if not because she gave birth to the members of Christ? You, to whom I speak, are the members of Christ – who has given birth to you? I hear the voice of your heart: Mother Church. This mother is holy, honoured, similar to Mary, she brings forth and is yet a virgin. That she brings forth I prove through you; for you are born from her; the Church also brings forth Christ, for you are the members of Christ. Let the members of Christ give birth in mind, as Mary, as a Virgin, gave birth to Him in her womb, and thus will you be mothers of Christ…

How do you not also belong to the childbirth of the Virgin, when you are members of Christ? Mary gave birth to your Head, the Church to you. For the Church too is both mother and virgin; mother through her charity, virgin through the integrity of her faith and piety. She gives birth to nations, but they are members of the One whose body and bride she is herself, and in this bears likeness to that Virgin Mary, because she too is the mother of unity in the many. The Church could not be virgin, if she had not found her Spouse to whom she was to be given.’

Please join us on Thursday 15th August at 7pm as we offer our respect and reverence for the Theotokos, the God-Bearer, the first believer in Christ, the first member of the Church, the first Christian, the first exemplar of the evangelical life, the one described in the first Anglican Prayer Book as ‘the glorious and most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ our Lord and God.’

God bless you!

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Presiding Bishop's Epistle IX

The newest Presiding Bishop's Epistle for the Anglican Province of America.