Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Church as Mission

‘The Church does not have a mission: the Church is a mission. The members of Christ in His Church are the Emissaries and Ambassadors of Christ in our age, the light and salt of our generation, the hands and feet of Christ in the world. The Church is nothing less than the extension of Christ’s own Ministry in time and space – that is what it means to be the Body of Christ, which phrase is not merely a metaphor, but the description of a mysterious reality. Ye are the Body of Christ and members in particular. We are the whole Christ, totus Christus, Head and Body together, Head and members together. The Holy Eucharist, the Body of Christ, is given to the Church, the Body of Christ, so that she may truly be the Body of Christ. The Blessed Sacrament empowers us to ‘do all such good works as thou hast prepared for us to walk in.’ It makes the Church to be the Church, so that the Church may fulfil the calling and the very Work of Christ.’

I am delighted to inform you on behalf of the Vestry of Saint Barnabas Church that we have, as a parish, recently dedicated ourselves anew in a vital way to the Great Commission of Our Saviour Jesus Christ (Saint Matthew 28.16-20) to make disciples of all nations and to serve Christ’s little ones, the poor and needy, according to the blessing which we have been given by the Lord. We have lately been graced to offer support to the following ministries: the Norcross Cooperative Ministry, the Community Assistance Centre, Pregnancy Resources of Doraville, Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church in Fort Valley/Warner Robbins, Georgia, a sister parish which is planning the construction of a new building, the Clergy Training Centre of the Anglican Church in the Philippines, and two parishes of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion). Our parish corporately has again committed itself to this kind of outreach. Now we ask individual members and friends to unite with us in this journey of faith, hope and love, the Way of Christ’s Pilgrim People.

The challenge which the Lord now places before each of us is personal involvement. No baptised and confirmed Christian should ever be ashamed to confess the Faith of Christ Crucified and should be willing manfully to fight under His banner against sin, the world and the devil, to be Christ’s faithful soldier and servant. Each and every Christian bears the mantle of Christ’s Ministry of Prophet, Priest and King to all creation. Every baptised Christian is set apart to be a missionary, an evangelist, a bearer of the Gospel. Every member of Christ’s Church is called to serve Him in our neighbour. We are the embodiment of the Love of Christ, which constraineth  us.

Each of the local ministries listed above stands in continual need of our own ministry and service; they need us to help - and all that is required of us is our own precious time, talent and energy. We encourage all of our faithful to become more engaged and invested in the work of Jesus Christ to those who need us, especially to those who may be afflicted or distressed in mind, body or estate. May it please God that through us those in need may be comforted and relieved according to their several necessities and may even find a happy issue out of all their afflictions. (Saint James 2.14-26).

To love one’s neighbour as oneself, and thus to fulfil the Lord’s Commandments, is not a sentiment or feeling, but an action. Faith that is not put into action cannot transform, does not become a ‘living faith.’ Faith in action, faith that acts upon what it professes it believes, is love. Real love demands something of us, a real gift of self to the other, a genuine self-donation, sacrifice. Love means willing and doing what is best for the other person without considering the consequences for oneself. Our time, talent and energy are indeed exquisite and beautiful gifts, valuable beyond reckoning – and that is surely why the Lord rejoices in our offering of them to Him in and for His own. Please consider ways in which one can become more active in fulfilling the desire of the Lord Jesus’s heart – and join us in our quest! The Clergy will be privileged to assist one if one is interested in participating in local ministry.

Finally, a most important notice for the month of September: please join us for the Annual Parish Meeting of Saint Barnabas Church on Sunday 29th September! The Holy Communion, the one liturgy for the day, will be celebrated at 10am and will be immediately followed by the Annual Meeting, during which reports on the parish will be given, and the business of the congregation (including the adoption of the proposed annual budget) conducted. A splendid luncheon will be served to the parish following the meeting. Please be certain to join us for this important occasion. In addition to parish reports at the Annual Meeting, we shall elect two Vestry members (3 year terms), two Diocesan Synod (2014 only) delegates, and one Provincial Synod (2014 only) delegate. Nomination forms may be found in the narthex and must be submitted to the Rector by Saturday 7th September.
God bless you!

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Presiding Bishop's Epistle IX

The newest Presiding Bishop's Epistle for the Anglican Province of America.