Sunday, March 02, 2025

The Wall Street Journal, Ten Years On

Ten years ago, on 3rd March 2015, my brother Father Brandon Holder Jones and I made the front page of the Wall Street Journal with this article about our conversion to the Sancta Catholica Ecclesia. We are identical twins and both priests in our respective Apostolic jurisdictions, the Anglican Province of America and the Roman Catholic Church. At the time, we joked that President Obama was actually below us on the front WSJ page! The article went viral and produced a remarkable array of reactions across the US and the world. Ten years on, by God's grace, we remain well and blessed, and more active than ever in pastoral ministry. God bless you.

The Wall Street Journal, Ten Years On

Ten years ago, on 3rd March 2015, my brother Father Brandon Holder Jones and I made the front page of the Wall Street Journal with this arti...