Monday, August 28, 2006

Swedish Lutheran Orders and the Roman Tradition

Did a Society of Saint Pius X Bishop publicly preach the validity of Swedish Lutheran Orders?

According to the Society's own official newsletter, SSPX Bishop Tissier de Mallerais made an interesting statement during the July 30, 2006, SSPX Mass at St. Nicolas du Chardonnet Church in Paris, observing the conversion of a former Lutheran pastor.

During his sermon, Tissier remarked:

'You yourself, dear Pastor, were a priest. You were a priest for 31 years, following a ceremony of ordination. There is evidently a doubt on this ordination, since one doesn't know if the apostolic succession in the Swedish Church is valid or not. You celebrated during 31 years what you thought to be a valid Mass in Swedish language.'

After careful examination, the Church of England officially proposed intercommunion with the Swedish Church, based on the validity of Swedish Orders, at the Lambeth Conference 1920. Perhaps our traditional Roman Catholic friends have begun slowly to discern what Anglicanism realised many deacades ago.


Mike+ said...

Maybe instead of fooling around with TEC/ECUSA revisionists our ecumenical committees ought to at least open a diaologue with the SSPX.

Ecgbert said...

Bishop Tissier seems to leave open the possibility and I think technically he's right as Rome has never ruled on Swedish orders as it did on English.

One argument, only a theory, I've been told is it never bothered as they're obviously invalid, because the Swedish Church allows non-episcopal Lutheran clergy from other countries to serve in its churches.

So this man, probably a 'Swedo-Catholic' (yes, the Swedish version of Anglo-Catholic), has become a traditionalist RC. Not bad. Sweden of course is famously very secular (but not libertine 'swingers' at all - that's a myth; Swedes are also more accurately known to be staid and proper) but historically their church arguably has been higher than the Anglicans in practice and Swedo-Catholics are among the few who do go to church there. (One of those pockets of Lutheranism where I'd feel at home.)

An acquaintance lived in Stockholm for seven years and reports the Swedes are very anti-RC. (There is a microscopic RC presence there.)

Maybe this man will be ordained by the SSPX.

Anonymous said...

i was under the impression that the SSPX was in dialogue to return to Rome.

Presiding Bishop's Epistle IX

The newest Presiding Bishop's Epistle for the Anglican Province of America.