Sunday, December 06, 2009

Mailli Katherine Lillian Jones

My dear friends:

Praised be Jesus Christ!

On 6th December 2009, the Second Sunday in Advent and the Feast of Saint Nicholas, at 2.43pm in beautiful cool Dunwoody, Georgia, my beloved wife Megan gave birth to a healthy beautiful baby girl, 6 pounds 14 ounces, 19 and one-half inches long.

Our daughter has been given the name Mailli Katherine Lillian Jones. 'Mailli' is a Cornish variant for 'Mary', the Name of Our Blessed Lady, Mother of God, in whose honour we have named her and to whose protection and intercession we commend her. Mailli's maternal great-grandfather's family is from Delabole, Cornwall, so we have chosen to celebrate our Cornish heritage and the ancient Catholic Faith of the Cornish people. Katherine is her mother's middle name, and Lillian is the name of my wonderful 91 year old grandmother. We praise and thank Almighty God for His mercy and grace in providing a safe and joyful delivery for Megan and Mailli. Please be assured of our deepest and most profound gratitude for your prayers, and of our prayers for you all.

May the Lord bless and keep you!



Fr. Gregory Wassen said...

Congratulations to both!

You have my prayers - as always.

Fr. Gregory+

Anonymous said...

The Lord bless her and keep her, the Lord make His face to shine upon, and be gracious unto her. The Lord lift His countenance upon her, and give her His peace, both now and evermore.



John Dieter said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! Praise be the Lord Christ indeed! It has been with eager anticipation that we have followed Megan's journey on Facebook!
All our love to you, Megan and your brood!

Unknown said...

The South Carolina Deanery of SSC says congrats and many blessings!!

Christopher T. Cantrell+ said...

Congratulations! And may God bless her richly!

Fr. David F. Coady said...

May God Bless and keep her in His ways; and may God Bless your entire family.

Anonymous said...

I rebuke you for delaying pictures!


Fr Tom said...

Dear Chad+ and Megan,

Congratulations to you both. I offer Mailli this prayer, adapted from the Churching of Women:

'Grant, we beseech thee, O heavenly Father, that Mailli, the child of these thy servants, may daily increase in wisdom and stature, and grow in thy love and service, until she come to thy eternal joy; throgh Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.'

Tom McHenry+

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