It would seem that the Continuing Church is a very real and present threat to the Episcopal Bishop of Georgia...
From the August 2010 TEC Diocese of Georgia Clergy Handbook:
"Anglican" or "Continuing" Splinter Groups not part of TEC
These groups undermine the geographical authority of the bishop as defined in the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church and observed in historical Anglican practice. Therefore, no clergyperson [sic] from these groups may participate in any service of worship, and no joint services may be held with any congregation of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia. Episcopal clergy of the Diocese of Georgia may not participate in any service held in or by these congregations except with written permission from the Bishop.
Though you may choose to notify the Bishop, attendance at a wedding or funeral held in such congregation, for reasons of previous pastoral or personal relationship, is an exception to this more general statement and requires no such permission.
It would appear we are making progress if this is the reaction! It should be noted that the Continuing Church holds that the See of Georgia has been canonically vacated and replaced by the orthodox continuing Anglican Episcopate, since heresy was introduced into the Episcopal Church in 1976 thus rendering any claim to canonical episcopal government in that Diocese void. Additionally, since the current Bishop of Georgia was purportedly consecrated by a bishopess, his episcopal consecration is to be considered sacramentally invalid.
Episcopalians of Georgia, please come home to the Continuing Church!
Goodness, what power does TEC have to excommunicate anybody...
Clegyperson? Any TEC priest wanting to serve in a parish of any Continuing Anglican Church would have to be conditionally ordained as his orders would be in question especially if he was ordained after 1979. There can be no apostolic succession if in the lines there is a woman bishop. TEC has lost its apostolic succession. To all members of TEC: come home to the Continuing Anglican Church.
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