Monday, May 02, 2011

Temporary Married Priesthood for the Ordinariates?

An interesting development...

In an interview-book entitled 'A Great Heart. Homage to John Paul II,' Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone said there is continuity between John Paul II and Benedict XVI in 'welcoming into the Catholic Church former married Anglican pastors [sic], allowing them to live in matrimony.' The Cardinal explained that this 'welcome that still continues today and that the recent Apostolic Constitution extends to entire groups of people and parishes, albeit standing firm on the issue of celibacy for priests, asking that in the future married priests should not become the norm in these Orders.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your Grace:
Could you please elaborate on this topic in a post? I understand the Church uses 1 Timothy as the basis of priestly celibacy, and the fact the marriage is "distracting" for the priests. The Bible, however, clearly states that Peter was married and never says that he left her. Also, I have noticed that all the priests/bishops that have left the Anglican Communion for the Roman Catholic Church were priests in groups that ordain women or gays. Is this coincidence, or fact?

Presiding Bishop's Epistle IX

The newest Presiding Bishop's Epistle for the Anglican Province of America.