Tuesday, June 26, 2012

An ACNA Video on Women's 'Ordination'

Progressive revelation, hermeneutical evolution, process theology and development of doctrine... and this not from TEC.

The spectre of Montanus rises...

'The Quintillianists, in their turn, who are also called Pepuzians and known as Artotyrites and Priscillianists are the same as the Phrygians (Montanists) and derive from them... they use the Old and New Testaments, and likewise affirm the resurrection of the dead. They cite many texts which have no relevance... They have woman bishops, presbyters, and the rest; they say that none of this makes any difference, because "in Christ Jesus there is neither male nor female." ... they do not cling to the anchor of the truth but entrust themselves to their own reason... and they have overlooked the commandment of the Apostle, "I suffer not a woman to speak, or to have authority over a man" (I Corinthians 14.34-38) ... What prolific error there is in this world!'

- Saint Epiphanius of Salamis, Panarion 49, AD 377.

'Ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.' (Saint Jude 1.3)


Death Bredon said...

Good old Epiphanius. Don't forget his authority on August 15th!

Alice C. Linsley said...

This practice places Anglicanism outside the embrace of catholicity.

Matthew M said...

Been saying it from the beginning, Duncan is leading the ACNA down the TEC path. They only turned the clock back to eliminate the homosexual agenda but keep women's ordination. Too bad they can't understand that. Don't know why the REC stays in unless they have been co-opted somehow. SAD now: :-(

Anonymous said...

Notice at 42 seconds into the talk she refers to "allusions" and again at 1:42 where she speaks of "the allusions that we allow ourselves to see."

I believe she means "illusions."

The Embryo Parson

Anonymous said...

As an REC priest in the ACNA the best I get is that they hope to be an influence and teacher and return the ACNA to orthodoxy fully. However, at the Assembly the issue wasnt mentioned at all except at the Forward in Faith "special interest groups" session.

Micah said...

Very un-Orthodox!! Very sad!

Anonymous said...

Actually, Ms. Linsley, this does *not* "place Anglicanism outside the embrace of catholicity", since classical, authentic Anglicanism has never allowed WO.

It is only the rump Episcopalians, or the 2002-era Episcopalians of ACNA2, that conjure the spirit of Montanus and engage in this violation of catholic faith and order.

I realise that you have made your choices to leave Anglicanism for the EOC. While I understand completely and respect the reasons for those choices, please do not attempt to unchurch faithful Anglicans. Thanks.

Presiding Bishop's Epistle IX

The newest Presiding Bishop's Epistle for the Anglican Province of America.