Sunday, July 14, 2013

Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia Eliminates Its Western Rite?

Bishop Jerome of Manhattan, 
formerly Western Rite Bishop-Vicar of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.

A sad and unwelcome development, but an instructive reminder...

Traditional Anglicanism is Western Orthodox Christianity.

Update: Metropolitan Hilarion has issued the following decree on the Western Rite in ROCOR.


Alice C. Linsley said...

Indeed it is!

However, in my view, the Western Rite is liturgically inferior to the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom with its rhythmic repetition. It is also inferior to the traditional Anglican liturgy in the Book of Common Prayer (1928 and earlier versions). Anglicans should appreciate the rich orthodoxy of their tradition.

Micah said...

For the uninitiated in the Liturgical Rites of Western Orthodoxy, which I take to believe includes most all Anglicans that I know of, I would like to let it be known that the Western Rite - ROCOR has been blessed by Metropolitan Hilarion, to serve any of 5 different ancient liturgies. So When criticizing Western Rite liturgy, it would be best to state which liturgy one is speaking about.

Archbishop Cranmer's job of revising the Ancient Church Father's remarkable liturgies is commendable and proper for the time and place in which he made the revisions. However, I believe there is little difference between it and the liturgy of our Father among the Saints, Saint Gregory's traditional liturgy.

Presiding Bishop's Epistle IX

The newest Presiding Bishop's Epistle for the Anglican Province of America.