Monday, February 24, 2014

Bishop Coadjutor for Mid-America

From Bishop Larry L. Shaver:

On Saturday, February 22, 2014, our Bishop Suffragan, the Right Reverend Robert Todd Giffin, was unanimously elected by both houses to be our Bishop Coadjutor and my successor.  Following the unanimous vote by written ballot, the Synod then elected him by acclamation.  The Special Election Synod was very well attended with 32 people present including delegations from all parishes and missions of the DMA. 

The election was followed by an extremely positive and fruitful discussion on the challenges we face as a diocese: growth, clergy compensation, evangelism resources and the care of souls.  The Sung Synod Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Canon John W. Berry, who was received as a priest into the DMA upon transfer from the DEUS.  He was formally installed as the Canon Missioner of the DMA and gave a brief talk on mission resources for the diocese as well as clergy compensation.  He was assisted by Canon Robert Jennings and Archdeacon Frank Endres, with Deacon Chris Perez serving as thurifer.  Bishop Giffin served as the Cantor, Epistoler and Gospeler, and also gave the Apostolic Blessing.  The Bishop Ordinary, the Rev. Dr. Larry L. Shaver, was the preacher. 

Also received as clergy at the Synod was the Rev. Paul D. Moore of Fayetteville, Arkansas, who is presently engaged in mental health counseling in a clinic and will begin the process of planting a mission for the DMA in Arkansas.  The Election Synod and Mass was hosted by the Anglican Church of St. Andrew the Evangelist in Merrillville, Indiana, and included a wonderfully prepared luncheon afterwards.

Congratulations to Bishop Giffin and the DMA!

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Presiding Bishop's Epistle IX

The newest Presiding Bishop's Epistle for the Anglican Province of America.