Monday, August 11, 2014

The Enid Chadwick Triptych

The triptych, or Altar piece, photographed below was designed and painted by the legendary illustrator Enid Chadwick, whose clean, graceful, and flowing images adorn the Anglican Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham in Norfolk, England. Ms Chadwick was, for all practical purposes, the official artist of the restored Anglican Shrine throughout much of the twentieth century. This triptych was commissioned by Father Conrad Kimbrough, a dear personal friend and an Anglican priest for 25 years. The image now resides in the sacristy of Saint Mary's Church (RC) in Greenville, South Carolina under the custody of my cousin Father Jay Scott Newman, and was used for many years as an elegant reredos for Father Kimbrough's oratory Altar. Enjoy!

Of your Christian charity, pray for the blessed repose of the souls of Conrad Kimbrough, priest, and Enid Chadwick.

Blessed Charles Stuart I of England, King and Martyr.

Saint Uriel the Archangel with Saint Charles.

Saint Augustine of Hippo.

Our Blessed Lord and Our Lady of Walsingham with the Archangels Saint Michael and Saint Gabriel.

Saint Ambrose of Milan.

Saint Edward the Confessor with the Archangel Saint Raphael.

1 comment:

Fr. Peter Geromel said...

This really is very lovely. Of course, I know St. Mary's, Greenville. My spiritual father while I was in the Carolinas (a Maronite priest) serves the 8 am mass, I believe.

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