Friday, May 17, 2019

A Protestant Learns About Anglicanism


Anonymous said...

Excellent video. Respectfully done by the Protestant pastor. Fr. Hines was gracious and a wonderful spokesman for Continuing Anglicanism. I don't understand why Fr. Hines denomination, Anglican Province of Christ the King, is not part of the G-4 Continuing Anglican churches. What issues prevent/hinder them from joining the G-4?

James D.

Tom Dixon said...

Every Anglican should watch this and have this information at their disposal to share with non-Anglican friends. Coming from a non-denominational tradition, I could understand the curiosity and confusion of the interviewer. The Father did an excellent job of explaining the Anglican tradition, with humility. Thank you for finding and posting this.

Reflection: The 2024 APA Clergy Retreat on G3 Unity

Reflection: The 2024 APA Clergy Retreat on G3 Unity