Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Anglican Province of America Notice

To All Clergy and Parishioners of the Anglican Province of America
From: + Walter H. Grundorf
We pray and hope that all of you are well and safe at this time. We continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic closely, and as you are aware, the acceleration phase continues as predicted nationwide. Our parishes and missions are located in different states with different civil laws in effect. We encourage you to continue to follow all local, state and national directives.
In light of the above, my directive, in consultation with the House of Bishops, remains that all parishes and missions continue to suspend public worship through April 30th, the time period recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and mandated for stay-at-home orders by many local governments around the country.
We know that our inability to offer public services for Holy Week and Easter is heartbreaking for all of us, but in the interest of public safety, for the health and welfare of our people, we realize it is necessary. During this time, we are called to make the sacrifice to our Lord of abstention and absence in receiving the Precious Body and Blood of Christ. This need is especially intense during Holy Week and Easter. However, there is genuine virtue in accepting the need to make this sacrifice and then offering it up to God.
We are now called to suspend the good of our worship together for another good, the preservation and protection of God's precious people. We pray the Lord will bless and accept this our sacrifice. Soon we will all be able to celebrate, as never before, our return to the Altar of God and the glories of Eastertide!
May God bless and keep you always.

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2025 Lenten Devotional

The Anglican Province of America Lenten Devotional ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, who hatest nothing that thou hast made, and dost forgive th...