Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Faith In A Nutshell

'We as little follow Calvin as we do the Pope, where either the one or the other departs from the footprints of the Fathers.'

-Bishop Lancelot Andrewes (1555-1626) quoted by Bishop William Forbes (1585-1634)


Anonymous said...

Hi Chad! Great quote! I was once caught up in an argument with a OPC cat who asked me to clarify an act of piety I use when I enter the Church(making the sign of the cross),he became more "severe" in making some case against it. He threw out the favorite presby accusation "papist", at which point I smiled and said...."I do not bow the knee to Rome...nor do I bow to Geneva!"

chefasa said...

I attend a Presby Church(PCUSA)from time to time where my my attends, I too 'accidently' crossed one time at "Father, Son, And Holy Ghost". Later, a congregant mentioned that its not proper, that several people has seen it and brought it to the pastor's attention. Scary!

Presiding Bishop's Epistle IX

The newest Presiding Bishop's Epistle for the Anglican Province of America.