Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Faith In A Nutshell

'We as little follow Calvin as we do the Pope, where either the one or the other departs from the footprints of the Fathers.'

-Bishop Lancelot Andrewes (1555-1626) quoted by Bishop William Forbes (1585-1634)


Anonymous said...

Hi Chad! Great quote! I was once caught up in an argument with a OPC cat who asked me to clarify an act of piety I use when I enter the Church(making the sign of the cross),he became more "severe" in making some case against it. He threw out the favorite presby accusation "papist", at which point I smiled and said...."I do not bow the knee to Rome...nor do I bow to Geneva!"

chefasa said...

I attend a Presby Church(PCUSA)from time to time where my my attends, I too 'accidently' crossed one time at "Father, Son, And Holy Ghost". Later, a congregant mentioned that its not proper, that several people has seen it and brought it to the pastor's attention. Scary!

Reflection: The 2024 APA Clergy Retreat on G3 Unity

Reflection: The 2024 APA Clergy Retreat on G3 Unity