Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Traditional Anglican Communion and Rome

A fascinating and well-produced video presentation on our sister jurisdiction, the Traditional Anglican Communion, and its interest in forging a uniate relationship with the Church of Rome.


Anonymous said...

I was really pleased with this video, because it puts something out there that people can see. It provides some fodder for discussion about the unity idea, but also, in general, shows something of the continuing church - part of its liturgy, etc.

It contains wonderful interview clips with clergy and laity, including three TAC bishops. Bishop Robert Mercer explains very well some of the things we're looking for - "a married episcopate, like the first pope" - a classic moment for Bishop Mercer fans (Bp. Mercer, by the way, was an Anglican Communion bishop in Zimbabwe before being a bishop in the Anglican Catholic Church of Canada for fifteen years). Abp. Hepworth gives the low down on some of the problems involved, and Bp. Carl Reid gives something of an advert for life in a small church, along with comments from two parishioners (who are not cradle Anglicans) who were drawn into the ACCC parish in Ottawa. That, along with clips of a consecration service is really a good package. I haven't seen a lot of video available on continuing church websites, and I am so proud when I see this online to be a member of the ACCC. I hope it generates some discussion and interest.

Fr.Ang.PriestsforLife said...

Very well presented! Enjoyed hearing Bishop Mercer and Bp. Carl Reid as I was unable to attend and wished to send God's blessings.

Presiding Bishop's Epistle IX

The newest Presiding Bishop's Epistle for the Anglican Province of America.