Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Conception by Saint Anne of the Holy Mother of God - 8 December

From the Orthodox Church in America...

St Anne, the mother of the Virgin Mary, was the youngest daughter of the priest Nathan from Bethlehem, descended from the tribe of Levi. She married St Joachim (September 9), who was a native of Galilee. For a long time St Anne was childless, but after twenty years, through the fervent prayer of both spouses, an angel of the Lord announced to them that they would be the parents of a daughter, Who would bring blessings to the whole human race.

The Orthodox Church does not accept the teaching that the Mother of God was exempted from the consequences of ancestral sin (death, corruption, sin, etc.) at the moment of her conception by virtue of the future merits of Her Son. Only Christ was born perfectly holy and sinless, as St Ambrose of Milan teaches in Chapter Two of his Commentary on Luke.The Holy Virgin was like everyone else in Her mortality, and in being subject to temptation, although She committed no personal sins. She was not a deified creature removed from the rest of humanity. If this were the case, She would not have been truly human, and the nature that Christ took from Her would not have been truly human either. If Christ does not truly share our human nature, then the possibilty of our salvation is in doubt.

The Conception of the Virgin Mary by St Anne took place at Jerusalem. The many icons depicting the Conception by St Anne show the Most Holy Theotokos trampling the serpent underfoot.

'In the icon Sts Joachim and Anne are usually depicted with hands folded in prayer; their eyes are also directed upward and they contemplate the Mother of God, Who stands in the air with outstretched hands; under Her feet is an orb encircled by a serpent (symbolizing the devil), which strives to conquer all the universe by its power.'

There are also icons in which St Anne holds the Most Holy Virgin on her left arm as an infant. On St Anne's face is a look of reverence. A large ancient icon, painted on canvas, is located in the village of Minkovetsa in the Dubensk district of Volhynia diocese. From ancient times this Feast was especially venerated by pregnant women in Russia.

1 comment:

Was Thursday said...

"The Orthodox Church does not accept the teaching that the Mother of God was exempted from the consequences of ancestral sin (death, corruption, sin, etc.) at the moment of her conception by virtue of the future merits of Her Son."

Why not? The Immaculate Conception does not mean when Mary was conceived she was immediately holy, just that she was "exempted from the consequences of ancestral sin."

"Only Christ was born perfectly holy and sinless, as St Ambrose of Milan teaches in Chapter Two of his Commentary on Luke."

True. By her good choices and her faithfulness, Mary became holy (i.e., "blessed").

"The Holy Virgin was like everyone else in Her mortality, and in being subject to temptation, although She committed no personal sins."

Like her Son, interestingly.

"She was not a deified creature removed from the rest of humanity. If this were the case, She would not have been truly human, and the nature that Christ took from Her would not have been truly human either."

Nobody's arguing that she was conceived as "a deified creature removed from the rest of humanity." In fact, the Immaculate Conception only solidifies her humanity: it provided a way for her to be both sinless and human!

"If Christ does not truly share our human nature, then the possibilty of our salvation is in doubt."


Presiding Bishop's Epistle IX

The newest Presiding Bishop's Epistle for the Anglican Province of America.