Thursday, August 09, 2012

Brasil and la Romanità

The Anglican Province of America possesses the episcopal line of the Brazilian Church.

A curious news article for the interested...

A little historical note:

Mariano Cardinal Rampolla, in Rome on 26th October 1890 consecrated
Joaquin Arcoverde de Albuquerque-Cavalcanti, who on 4th June 1911 consecrated
Sebastian Leme de Silveira Cintra, Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, assisted by Alberto Jose Concalves and Benedito Paolo Alvez de Souza, who on 8th December 1924 consecrated
Carlos Duarte Costa, who withdrew from the Roman Communion in 1945 to organise the Brazilian Catholic and Apostolic Church and who on 3rd May 1948 consecrated
Luis Fernando Castillo-Mendez, who, with Bishop Costa, on 23rd January 1949 consecrated
Estevan Meyer Corradi-Scarella as Bishop for Mexico, who on 20th October 1973, after ordaining sub conditione Harold Lawrence Trott to the Sacred Orders of Deacon and Priest according to the Pontificale Romanum, consecrated sub conditione the same Harold Lawrence Trott to the Sacred Order of Bishops according to the Pontificale Romanum, who on 26th March 1976 consecrated
Walter Howard Grundorf as Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese of the Eastern United States of the American Episcopal Church according to the Anglican rite.

In June 1945, Monsignor Carlos Duarte Costa (1888-1961), formerly Bishop of Botucatu, Sao Paolo, and titular Bishop of Maura, Brazil, was excommunicated by Pope Pius XII for his opposition to the Vatican’s apparent involvement with the fascist regime in his country. This in turn led to the formation at Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, of an independent jurisdiction called the Igreja Catolica Apostolica Brasileira. Subsequently, Bishop Castillo-Mendez, himself consecrated by Bishop Costa, raised Bishop Corradi to the Episcopate. Eventually, Bishop Corradi based his ministry in Panama. Bishop Costa introduced a vernacular Portuguese liturgy into his Church and abolished both compulsory clerical celibacy and the necessity of auricular Confession. The ICAB website is 

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Presiding Bishop's Epistle IX

The newest Presiding Bishop's Epistle for the Anglican Province of America.