Sunday, August 26, 2012

Saint Barnabas in September 2012

On 1st August 2012, our parish rejoiced to welcome officially our new Curate, the Reverend Father Matthew Estes Harlow, and his wife Sarah and children Katrina and Lily, who come to us from Saint Michael the Archangel Church in Matthews, North Carolina. We are delighted to introduce Father Matt and his family to our Saint Barnabas family! In a short time, they have already become beloved and integral members of our parish; we are truly blessed to have them with us. Their move to Saint Barnabas has been a true gift from the Lord and a sign of God’s loving providence for us all.

Father Matt brings a wealth of experience and talent to his new ministry in our midst. A graduate of the University of Phoenix with an information technology degree and of Reformed Theological Seminary with the Master of Arts in Religion degree, he was ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons in September 2011 and to the Sacred Priesthood in May 2012. Father Matt is a United States Air Force veteran, having served our country as a computer technician during his military career. His successful secular career in computer technology involved expertise in computer repair, network consulting and systems administration, tasks all requiring remarkable proficiency and skill.

As a teenager, Father Matt and his family ministered for four years as missionaries to the Agarabi people of Papua New Guinea, during which time his father, a Methodist pastor, professor and theologian, was engaged in the translation of the Bible for the indigenous population. Father Matt was also a high school athlete, having enjoyed football, baseball and track. For many years now, he has been occupied in virtually every aspect of Christian ministry: acolyte master, youth group director, office administrator, outreach minister, adult Sunday School teacher, Bible study teacher, Confirmation Class and youth catechism instructor and worship coordinator. Father Matt is also a creative and well-read theologian. His graduate level thesis examines Anglican Eucharistic doctrine and the works of Doctor Edward Pusey, the great nineteenth century English priest and scholar. I am absolutely thrilled to have Father Matt as our new Curate, and I know you will be as well! If you have not yet had an opportunity to speak with him, we hope you soon will. He has dedicated his life to the service of our Lord Jesus Christ and His one Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Sarah is now the new art teacher at Mount Pisgah Christian School in Alpharetta; she has many years of professional educational experience. Katrina is a student at Mount Pisgah and Lily is in pre-kindergarten. Let us give them a very warm Saint Barnabas welcome!

A most important notice for the month of September: please join us for the Annual Parish Meeting of Saint Barnabas Church on Sunday 30th September! The Holy Communion, the one Liturgy for the day, will be celebrated at 10am and will be immediately followed by the Annual Meeting, during which reports on the parish will be given, and the business of the congregation (including the adoption of the proposed annual budget) conducted. A splendid luncheon will be served to the parish following the meeting. Please be certain to join us for this important occasion. In addition to parish reports at the Annual Meeting, we shall elect three Vestry members (3 year terms) and two Diocesan Synod (2013 only) delegates. Nomination forms may be found in the narthex and must be submitted to the Rector by Saturday 1st September.
Let us continue instant in prayer for our parish and for her vocation, ministry and mission as we gather as Christ’s Ecclesia, His ‘called-out ones,’ in our Annual Meeting.
God bless you!

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Presiding Bishop's Epistle IX

The newest Presiding Bishop's Epistle for the Anglican Province of America.